"Don't call the doctor, I want to fall asleep peacefully. With your hand in mine".
He told her about the past, how they met - about the first kiss.
They didn't cry, they smiled.
They didn't regret, they were grateful.
Then she said again softly, "I love you, forever." He returned her words, gave her a gentle kiss on the forehead.
She closed her eyes and fell asleep peacefully, with his hand in hers.
Love is what counts, because a person comes into this world with nothing but love and leaves it again. With nothing but love.
This was contributed by a very special person, one that has felt the love that this couple has, and knows the pain of the loss.
Love IS What Counts
The love for ourselves. The love for another. The passion for what we do and who we become. That is what matters.
It Truly Is
Whether it's your first crush, the love of your brand new baby. Whether it's the butterflies and anxiety you feel when you think you're in love....again. Whether it's seeing your children grown and coming to visit. Whether it's the new puppy or the old dog coming to give you a nudge, or the kitten playfully chewing your foot. Whether it's your neighbor bringing you a gift for helping them with something, or the look on an elderly patient's face when it's your turn to take care of them for the third night in a row. Whether it's a new home, a new car, or even a new perfectly fitting outfit. Or just a smile to a stranger. It is love. And in the great big grand scheme of things in this ever-changing, often awful world we live in, love is all that matters. (08-01-22)